Friday, July 9, 2010

Jennbridge: Ostensibly a Game Try ***

Here's another hand from the Palo Alto KOs.  This hand helped us advance to the semifinals:

♠ AJx
♣ void

In response to my one heart opening bid, partner bid 3 clubs, a Bergen raise showing 8-9 points and 4 trumps.  He should have a 9 loser hand. 

I studied my hand and noted that I only had 4 losers.  We might be in the slam zone if partner had the right cards.  How to find out?

Values in diamonds would be the most helpful.  With that in mind, I decided to bid 3 diamonds, which we play as a help-suit game try.  I was pleased when Bob jumped to game.  I followed it with a jump to slam--6 hearts! 
♠ Kxx
♣ Axxx

♠ AJx
♣ void

A club was led and I pitched a spade on the ace.  Partner's cards were just what I needed.  Hearts broke 2-2 and diamonds were friendly enough to bring in the slam.  Even though we were playing against a good team (national champions, all) they didn't find the slam at the other table.  These 13 imps contributed to a sizable win.

See you at the table!

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