Thursday, January 30, 2014

Jennbridge: Cincinnati Bridge

Once I got to the bridge club it was great.  Navigating the sub-zero temperatures to get there was another story, however. Once there, I told stories about the 70 degree weather last week in Santa Rosa...sigh...   I started my bridge career at the Cincinnati bridge club about 25 years ago and it was good to see old friends.

Playing teams with partner Joe Fisher as well as Norm Coombs and Larry Klein, we picked up some Imps on this hand.  I dealt and opened 1.  (Had we been playing Flannery, I would have opened 2!)


Partner bid 2NT, Jacoby.  I jumped to 4 showing a minimum with no singletons or voids.  Partner, undaunted, bid 4NT, RKC.  I responded 5, 2 keycards plus the trump queen, and he rolled into 6.

A diamond was led and he laid down a nice 5-loser hand.  (deduct a loser for the 5th trump)



There was nothing to the play--draw trumps, ruff 2 spades and lose a diamond.   We won 13 Imps on that one.

Another amusing hand found me playing and making 1 for plus 80 while our teammates bid and made 5 for a 12 Imp gain.

Going back Saturday for more.  The temperature is expected to be in the balmy 40's!

See you at the table!