♠ AKxxx
♥ A98xx
♦ QJ
♣ J
I opened 1♠, LHO jumped to 3♣, partner bid 4♣, RHO bid 5♣ and it was back to me. I paused to consider the implications of all of this bidding.
Partner must have a game-going hand as his 4♣ bid, which shows a good hand with a spade fit, would have forced me to bid at the 4 level. I took a look at my losers. I have 6 losers, or possibly 5, if you apply LTC adjustments and deduct half a loser for each ace. Partner should have no more than 7 losers so we should be safe at the 5 level and may even have a slam. How should I proceed?
Certainly I could bid 5♠, but, with this good hand--better than a minimum--I decided to take the opportunity to convey some potentially valuable information to partner, cheaply, by cuebidding 5♥.
Sure enough, partner jumped to 6♠. A heart was led.
♠ QJxxx
♥ QJx
♦ Ax
♣ Axx
♠ AKxxx
♥ A98xx
♦ QJ
♣ J
I liked the dummy, and the (non-club) heart lead was quite likely a singleton. The ♥Q was covered by the king and I won the ace. I drew trumps in 2 rounds and played the ♥J, confirming the singleton lead. I gave up a trick to the ♥10 and claimed, pitching dummy's small diamond on the ♥9.
Plus 1430 felt like a good score, but turned out to be a push.
Remember to take advantage of opportunities to convey useful information to partner. In this case, not only did I announce that I had a high heart honor--just the message partner needed to bid the slam--but also that I had a good hand according to losing trick principles--better than a minimum. With a minimum opener (7 losers) I would have taken a different course.
Here are some nice comments just in from readers:
I bought one of your books and loaned it to a friend. Haven't seen it
since. I would like to order vol 1 and vol 2. I loved your articles
in the bridge magazine. They were useful, practical and easy to apply.
They have improved my game, but I would like to have the books to refer
back to and study. Thank you!
I am excited about LTC. It has helped me immensely! Am looking forward
to Vol. 11. Thanks, Janet