By David Neuman
A maxim dating
back to the early days of contract bridge is to lead the “fourth highest” from
your “longest and strongest” suit against a notrump contract. This maxim has been under attack in recent
years, most vocally by the expert and theorist Kit Woolsey. Noting that expert practice is increasingly
to shy away from leading broken four-card suits, Woolsey has theorized that such
a lead is a losing tactic when trying to defeat the opponents’ 3NT contract.
your objective is to defeat 3NT, Woolsey advises to look for a 5-card
suit. If you see one in your hand, lead
it. If not, look for one in your partner’s
hand. Woolsey’s point is that trying to defeat three
notrump by leading a broken 4-card suit is often futile. At its worst you are handing declarer an
extra trick without gain, and even where the lead is successful in establishing
the suit, it is unlikely that the lead will establish enough tricks to defeat
the contract. As one example, suppose
declarer’s side is wide open in the suit, so the lead enables the defenders to
cash the first 4 tricks. The defense
still need another trick to defeat the contract. So even if you had led another suit, if the
contract can be defeated you will have another opportunity to run your 4-card
The following deal, taken from a qualifying round in the
recent California Capital Open Swiss Teams in Sacramento, is a good
illustration of this principle. As
West, I was on lead against 3NT, holding AQ94, 8742, 862, 103 (spots
approximate), after the following auction:
West North East South
Pass 1D Pass 1H
Pass 2D Pass 2NT*
Pass 3NT (all pass)
as forcing
Spurning the “obvious” spade lead, I led the 10 of
clubs. This was the layout:
West East
AQ94 10753
8742 AJ
862 104
103 K9765
Declarer ducked the club in dummy. My partner, Bob Klein, won the king and,
seeing no future in the club suit, shifted to the ten of spades, covered by the
jack and queen. I returned a heart to
Bob’s ace. Another spade through
declarer’s K8 gave us four spade tricks to go with our club king and heart ace,
to defeat the contract by two tricks.
This resulted in a gain of 13 IMPs. At the other table, my counterpart led the
four of spades (fourth from longest and strongest!). Jennifer was the declarer and she now had eight tricks, and had the
timing to establish her ninth trick in hearts to make the contract. The spade lead was “successful” in that it
established the spade suit for the defense, but after the lead declarer had 9
tricks and made his contract.
One might say of the spade lead that the operation was
successful, but the patient died.