I had a fun hand with the BBO robots the other night. A grand slam with a dollop of extra drama--in order to bring it home I needed to execute a trump coup!
As often happens, it was the last board of an Instant IMP Tournament. I was lying second and figured that I could win with a big final board.
I knew there was a strong possibility of a high-scoring board when my robot partner opened 1♦ and I held a gorgeous 20-count.
I responded 1
♥. Partner bid a pedestrian 2
♦. Now what could/should I do?
I have found that straightforward bidding works best with the robots so I went directly to 4NT, RKC for diamonds. This bid should elicit the information I need.
A rich 5♠ bid from North (two aces plus the ♦Q) and it was Show Time.
I pondered my options. The most obvious bid was 6NT. I assumed (hoped!) that North had 6 diamonds and I could count 12 tricks. I scanned my hand and reviewed the info for the possibility of a 13th trick. I believed that a 6NT bid would be a small plus, not the big score I was seeking, as many would get there.
What about 7NT? What about 7♦? I loved all of my aces and kings and eyed the ♠10 as a possible asset. If I played in diamonds maybe I could ruff out a trick in one of the majors.
With nothing to lose but 30 minutes and $1.25, I made my decision and jumped to 7♦!
The North hand was suitable, but let's look now at the play.
East led the ♣10 and I paused to count my tricks. An easy 13 tricks if diamonds break 3-2.
I won in the South hand and started on diamonds. All followed to the ♦K and when I led the ♦2, LHO played the ♦10 and, to my horror, East showed out!. It appeared that West had a diamond trick...but wait...West's remaining diamonds are the ♦J and the 8. Hmm...maybe something can be done.
I next played the ♥A, followed by the ♥K and ruffed a heart in the North hand. Now a club to my hand and another heart ruff. As you can see, I am busy shortening the trumps in the North hand.
Here was the situation and I needed a bit of a miracle in spades.
I played the ♠J and it was covered with the ♠Q! I won and played another spade honor, all following. Finally, I played that serendipitous ♠10 and pitched the ♣Q. Now the only two cards in the North hand are the ♦Q and ♦9 and I have to win both of them when I lead a black card from the board. West's trump are couped and the supposed diamond winner disappears!
I knew that the score of plus 2140 for 7♦ making was huge, and in fact, it netted 13.9 IMPs for the win. A few players bid and 6NT and won 3.7 IMPs. No one else bid the grand. There are not 13 tricks available in notrump.
Another .90 masterpoint gained as well as a good story!
See you at the table!