Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Trio of Slams

The hands were exciting at Friday's game at the club. Jennifer and I were dealt three hands where we got good results by making the right slam decisions.

Hand 1

I was dealt this hand:


Jenn dealt and opened 1 Diamond. I immediately thought that this beautiful hand had a lot of slam potential with its 18 prime points. I bided my time with a 1 Heart response. She now bid 1 Spade. I wasn't sure where we were headed, so I continued to bide my time with a fourth suit forcing bid of 2 Clubs. Now she surprised me by jumping to 3 Diamonds. What do you think of your prospects now?

At this point, I was 90% sure that we were cold for 7 Diamonds. What values could she possibly have to justify a jump rebid after we were already in a game forcing auction? Surely she had a very good Diamond suit, since she could have at most one king and no aces outside. If she had as little as AKQxxx of Diamonds, and no other points at all, I could see 13 easy tricks if trumps split 2-1 (6 Diamond tricks, 5 top tricks in my hand plus two spade ruffs). I could easily have just bid 7 Diamonds at this point. But just to make sure, I chose to bid 4 Diamonds. In our methods, this was Roman KeyCard Blackwood for Diamonds, since her jump rebid promised a very good suit. She rebid 5 Clubs, which promised two keycards and the trump queen. Now I was certain that we could make 7 Diamonds, so I bid it. 13 tricks were easy, as she actually held:



Note Jenn's decision to make a jump rebid despite holding only 11 HCP. Since she held a terrific source of tricks, she decided, correctly, that this hand had extra values so that a rebid of 2 Diamonds was just not enough. We tied for top on this board.

Hand 2

Jennifer took the reins on this one (by Jenn).

I was quite pleased to hear Bob open 1 spade when I held:


Before I could plan my bidding, RHO stuck his nose in with a preemptive jump overcall of 3 hearts. What do you bid now? (Think for a moment before reading on...)

I have several options. 4H and 4C are both forcing. But Bob and I play a useful convention called Exclusion Blackwood which enables you to ask for key cards in all suits but one (generally the suit in which you're void). Your jump to the 5 level in your void suit agrees the last suit bid by partner as trumps and asks for the number of key cards outside of that suit.

Accordingly, I jumped to 5H. Before I made this bid I assured myself that the response wouldn't get us too high. I decided that he needed to have at least 1 of the top spade honors for his opening bid, so that we would be safe bidding a small slam. If he had both the ace and king of spades I wanted to be in a grand slam since 13 tricks were likely (if partner has the club queen, you have 5 spades, 6 clubs, the diamond ace and one heart ruff; if not, clubs can be set up by ruffs and you can probably get additional heart ruffs as needed).

As this was an unexpected development, Bob took his time before responding. He then showed two key cards outside of hearts and I jumped to 7 spades. He held:



As expected, my club suit provided any pitches that needed to be made in the red suits. We scored up 1510 for a very good score.

*Note on exclusion: This is a valuable, but advanced convention. As it can lead to spectacular disasters (we observed a world class partnership declaring a contract at the 5-level in a 2-0 fit), be sure you study and discuss it thoroughly with your partner before attempting to use it. The generally accepted approach, which Bob and I use, is that any jump to the 5-level in a suit other than partner's last bid suit is exclusion with the last bid suit agreed as trumps unless a trump suit has previously been clearly established by a raise. For example, 1 Spade - 2 NT (Jacoby raise) - 4 Clubs (long club suit with 2 of top 3 honors) - 5 Diamonds is exclusion with Spades, not Clubs, agreed as trumps.

Hand 3

Jennifer dealt and opened 1 Club, and I looked at


Once again, slam looked likely. I held 16 prime HCP with controls in every suit. I bid 1 Diamond (with a good hand, there is no need to bypass a long diamond suit to bid a 4-card major). She now rebid 1 Heart. Now my hand is gilt-edged. The best thing to do now is simply go right to 4NT, which would be RKC for Hearts, so as not to help the defense. I bid 4C, a splinter raise, which was, in retrospect, a mistake since I knew that she didn't have a Diamond control to cue bid so would bid 4 Hearts no matter what she had. Anyway, I bid 4NT over her 4 Hearts and she showed 2 Keycards without the trump queen, so I bid 6 Hearts since the queen was missing. Now a spade lead, which was indicated by the bidding, would have made the slam dicey since Jenn held:


In order to make this slam, it is necessary to discard two spades from her hand on the long diamonds. However, with a spade lead, she would have to guess the location of the trump queen and draw all the trump before running diamonds. However, she was fortunate to get the 9 of diamonds lead. So she was looking at:



She decided that the best thing to do was to find out, first, if the diamond lead was a singleton. So she went to the ace of clubs and led a second diamond out of her hand. The idea is that if this is ruffed in front of dummy, the hand ruffing in is likely to be long in hearts, so she was planning to eventually play it for the heart queen. Additionally, if the diamond is ruffed, LHO will be ruffing a loser which will enable the diamonds to still be useful for pitching spades. As it happened, her LHO followed to a second diamond. Now she didn't have to find the heart queen. She just cashed the ace and king, leaving the queen outstanding, and played the diamond queen, which was ruffed with the heart queen. Now it was easy to pitch her losing spades on the diamonds and claim. We got 75% of the matchpoints.

Bid your slams!

1 comment:

Memphis MOJO said...

You get some fun hands at your bridge club!

My favorite bid is Jenn's 3D call on deal #1.