Sunday, April 29, 2012

Jennbridge: Losing Trick Count Update

I hope you have enjoyed the series of six articles on Losing Trick Count published in the Bridge Bulletin from Dec. 2011 until May, 2012.  Thanks for all of your comments and questions, many of which have been reprinted here. In addition to the Bridge Bulletin articles and the Losing Trick Count booklet (for sale on this site), I am continuing to write about this subject which is so important for accurate hand evaluation.  I have collected some great hands and continue to find useful ways to use Losing Trick Count.

If you would like to be notified when new LTC publications or material is available, please let me know by sending an email to:  Feel free to include a message or merely put "LTC updates" in the subject line of your email and you'll be added to the mailing list.

Some have already purchased the LTC Teacher package so that you can teach a seminar to your own students.  For information on teacher packages please contact me.  If you'd like to attend a seminar on Losing Trick Count in your area, be sure to let your bridge teacher know about the teacher package and have them contact me.

I'll continue to answer questions and post comments on this blog site and I'd like to hear from you.  I'm interested in your LTC success stories and will attempt to provide analysis when you come across hands where the formula doesn't seem to work.

See you at the table!

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