With a good first session behind us, we sat down for the evening session against an expert and client. I found myself in a routine 3NT with this hand:
Sitting East (again) I opened 1NT in 4th seat, partner transferred to hearts and signed off in 3NT. A spade was led. How should I play the hand?
♠ | K 4 2 |
♥ | Q 9 5 4 3 |
♦ | 9 7 |
♣ | A Q 4 |
♠ | A Q |
♥ | J 8 |
♦ | K Q 8 5 |
♣ | K 10 9 8 2 |
How can I get more than the obvious number of tricks? Maybe I could get some extra tricks in hearts. With that in mind I led a club to the queen and returned a heart from the board. The expert on my right followed with the ♥10 and my LHO was in. Now he started thinking.
He had seen me win the spade lead with the queen so he knew I had 3 tricks in spades. My club queen had held so he knew I had club tricks. I was working on hearts so I probably had good hearts. He therefore switched to diamonds--a result that I didn't mind at all.
A funny thing happened on the play of the diamonds.
Board 31 South Deals N-S Vul |
He led the jack and RHO won the ace and continued the suit! Now the ♦10 fell and my remaining diamonds were good! It was an easy matter to cash out for 11 tricks.
Plus 460 was worth 16 out of 17 matchpoints--a 3-way tie for top.
Board 32 West Deals E-W Vul |
On the second board of the round North (RHO) was in 3NT and I led a 4th best spade. She won with the ace and led the ♦Q from her hand. I ducked! Now look what happened.
She now had to decide how to play the diamonds. Who had the ace? After thinking about it for a while she led a diamond to the 10! My partner won the jack and cleared the spades. Now she couldn't really come to 9 tricks. When I got in with the ♦A, I cashed the spades for a one trick set.
Plus 50 was worth 13 of 17 matchpoints.
Board 33 North Deals None Vul |
Holding the East hand I opened 2NT. Although our convention card is marked "20-21", this fine hand (5-card suit, all prime cards) was easily worth an upgrade.
After a puppet Stayman sequence (3♣, 3♦, 3♠, 4♥) we settled in 4♥. A heart was led and I played the 10 from the board, hoping that it was covered as I might need an extra dummy entry. I drew trump ending on the board and took the diamond finesse which won. The diamond honors then tumbled down together and I cashed the diamonds and came back to my hand with the ♠A to pitch my losing club from the board on the long diamond in my hand. The only trick lost was a spade.
Plus 480 was worth 12 of 17 matchpoints. Our session was off to a good start.
See you at the table!