Partner, sitting East, dealt and opened 1♣, and I liked my hand.
♠ | A Q 10 9 4 3 | |
♥ | J 9 4 | |
♦ | A Q 8 4 | |
♣ | — |
I responded 1♠. I was surprised to hear his rebid of 2♦, a reverse! I rebid 2♠, forcing, showing a decent hand with spade length. Partner now bid 3♠.
It was a near-certainty that we were headed for slam in either spades or diamonds, but I needed to check on the heart suit (to be sure we weren't off 2 quick losers) by starting a cuebidding sequence. I bid 4♦ and Larry responded 4♥.
Satisfied about hearts, I now bid 4NT, RKC, and he answered 5♦, presumably showing 3 keycards. Looking for bigger things (I had a 5 loser hand opposite his reverse) I marched on by bidding 5NT. This bid asks for specific kings but also gives partner the option of jumping to a grand slam with a hand he considers suitable. He responded 5♦, showing the diamond king, but not the club king and it was decision time.
I was now sure that he held the king of spades, ace of hearts, king of diamonds and ace of clubs. Was this enough for a grand slam, and if so, in what suit? I decided that the odds were good enough (in this situation) to bid the grand and thought that perhaps I could offer him a choice of slams by bidding 7♦. This would be a surprise, but he would then have the option of passing or bidding 7♠.
I jumped to 7♦ and he passed. South (luckily) led a club.
Board 10 East Deals Both Vul |
Partner pitched 2 hearts on the ace and queen of clubs and frowned when he laid down the ♦K and South showed out. He nevertheless thought he had chances as long as the hand with the long diamonds held at least 2 spades, so he started running spades. When North ruffed in, he simply overruffed and claimed.
Plus 2140 was, not surprisingly, a cold top.
**This hand was still warm when South dealt and opened 3♦ on the next (penultimate) board. Larry, my partner, doubled and I bid 3♥ with my weak hand. South passed and Larry jumped to 6♥!
"I've gotta see this"! I quipped as a club was led and partner began tabling the dummy.
Board 11 South Deals None Vul |
"I see what you mean" I thought as I gazed at the magnificent 27 point powerhouse.
A club was led and the spade suit caught my eye. Ahh...I should be able to strip the hand and play a spade to the 9--endplaying my RHO. A classic, textbook endplay!
I drew trumps in 2 rounds, cashed the clubs, then played the diamond ace and ruffed a diamond. Now I was in my hand for the big moment. The plan was to lead a spade and cover whatever card the second hand played. When South played low, I inserted the 9 and North was well and truly endplayed.
He folded his cards and scored up 980 for us--worth 14 out of 17 matchpoints.
** On the final board partner (West) dealt and opened 1♣. I bid 1♠ and he raised to 2♠. Looking at 8 1/2 losers as East, I elected to pass.
Board 12 West Deals N-S Vul |
South now made an unexpected balancing double of 3♦. This was passed around to me and I doubled.
It was not too difficult to take 6 tricks on defense (2 diamonds, 2 clubs and 2 spades) and we beat it two tricks for a score of plus 500. Apparently we can make 4♠ (nonvulnerable) but only one pair bid it.
The terrific scores of the last round catapulted us to the top of our section and left us well-poised for the evening session.
See you at the table!
I like your pard's bid on Board 11. Why cuebid and mess around? It only tortures you and he won't find out anything anyway.
On Board 10 7D is a very lucky make, it takes a C lead to give me any chance at all. 7S looks to be a much easier contract until you realize that a D lead from S sets the contract immediately.
The rest of the story is that during the actual auction, north doubled my 5D response (0 or 3) to Jennifer's 4Nt. After the hand I asked Jennifer why she push on to 7 when an opponent had announced that he essentially had a void, giving his partner a trump stack. Jennifer simply missed the opponents bid. Once she gave me the option of slams, I had no choice but to stay in 7D, hoping that she had enough D's to do the trick. Not sure why the opponent lead a C, but very fortunate that he did.
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