Monday, January 7, 2013

Jennbridge: Losing Trick Count Seminar, Part IV

Here is part IV of the LTC seminar presented at the San Francisco NABC:  Bid Like the Experts

Example Hands

Question: What would you bid with these hands after partner opens 1?

a) ♠ AJ764   KQJ6  J8  ♣ 97       
b) ♠ A8764  KQ96  85 ♣ 97

Answer:  While the first hand (a) has 12 high card points and the second (b) only 9, they both have 7 losers.  That makes them both game-forcing hands, so make a game-forcing bid such as Jacoby 2NT.

Question:  What would you bid with these hands after partner opens 1♠?

a) ♠ KQ86 A10 J32 ♣ J865                     
b) ♠ KQ86 10  J743 ♣ J865

Answer:  While the first hand (a) has 11 high card points and the second (b) only 7, they both have 8 losers. That makes them both game-invitational hands, so make a limit raise, such as 3♠.

Next:  Using LTC with help-suit game tries and in response to takeout doubles.

*The seminar material presented here contains a brief summary of Losing Trick Count.  For more information you may purchase either or both of my LTC books on this site. Vol. I contains the basics, how to use LTC with Bergen Raises, and several good example hands from actual play.  Vol. II contains the six Bridge Bulletin articles plus more great hands. Questions?  Email me at

Next: More LTC example hands. 

See you at the table!

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