Friday, August 2, 2019

Why Buy Bridge Tournament Handbook?

An reader asked me point blank today why he should buy the Bridge Tournament Handbook.

"Two compelling reasons." I replied.
  • First, it is a great value.  It contains much of the material for advancing players covered in my private bridge coaching programs.
  • Second, it contains literally dozens of valuable bridge tips and expert advice for intermediate players that you won't learn in other lessons. I always thought it would be fun to write a book containing "expert secrets" not taught in lessons. So--I included some of them in this book. Most of the concepts are illustrated with my own bridge hands played in tournaments.
    1. Check out the section on Five Level Bids Asking about Holding in Opponent's Suit.
    2. Study the section on "Positional Considerations" and "Working Values" and tell me where else you can read/learn about these concepts.
While Bridge Tournament Handbook has an opening chapter encouraging newer players to attend the Fall NABC, 95% of the book is aimed at intermediate players striving to become better players.

For example, here is a great tip from teacher Gerry Fox:

1      The two keys to efficient discarding when declarer runs a string of winners are a) paying attention and b) partnership cooperation. 
  As declarer runs a long suit, the defenders will be forced to part with several of their cards. Knowing which ones to save can be an agonizing affair, but here are some simple rules to guide you:
1)  Use discard signals to help each other. Playing standard carding, a high spot card on the first discard means you have values in the suit and can protect it; a low spot card means the opposite, suggesting possible values elsewhere. 
2)  Try to keep equal length with what you see in the dummy or what you know to exist in declarer’s hand. If, for example, declarer has bid spades, he must have at least four of them; holding four yourself, you should retain all of them. 
3)  If your partner is saving cards to protect against a certain suit, you can abandon that one. Conversely, if partner has abandoned a certain suit, you should try to protect it, if possible.

To reach your goals at bridge and move to a higher level, it's time to add this book to your library!

See you at the table!

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